The Gathering Place

1535 High Street, Denver, CO 80218
Business Phone Number:
(303) 321-4198
Business Genre:
Counseling/Mental Health, Parent Education/Support, Support, Youth Development
Long Business Description:
The Gathering Place is the only daytime drop-in center in metropolitan Denver that serves women, their children, and transgender individuals who are experiencing poverty, many of whom are also experiencing homelessness. Women, their children, and transgender individuals who seek assistance from The Gathering Place have access to a wide range of programs and services that meet basic needs. They help foster personal growth, and build communities as well as developing social enterprise. They offer access to food, laundry, clothing and some medical services.
Description of Services:
Daytime drop in center for women and their children who are homeless or in poverty. Food, clothing, showers, and hygiene supplies. GED preparation and computer lab.
Description of Clients Served:
Women's resource advocate.
Additional Notes:
Open 7:30-5:00 pm M-F except Tues close at 1:30 pm; Number 15 (Colfax) bus route
How Clients are Referred:
Call ext 21 or visit.
Service Categories:
Agency Name:
The Gathering Place