
2246 Federal Blvd. Denver, Colorado 80211
Business Phone Number:
(720) 206-8220
Business Genre:
Breastfeeding, Counseling/Mental Health, Domestic Violence, Drugs and Alcohol, Emergency Services, Financial Assistance/Vouchers, Food, Housing, Legal, Maternity Home, Medical, Parent Education/Support, Pregnancy/Prevention, Resources/Referrals, School, Shelter, Support, Teen Dads, Work, Youth Development
Long Business Description:
In our Center Based Programs located in northwest and northeast Denver, we serve children from eight weeks of age to six years by providing an Association Montessori International (AMI) education in our classrooms. In our Home Based Program, our Parent Educators travel to homes in Denver–including homeless shelters, hotels, and transitional housing–to help teach parents parenting skills with the Parents as Teachers curriculum. The Home Based Program serves pregnancy to age 6. In addition, Family Star supports the families of each child through our comprehensive services. This includes hearing, vision, and developmental screening for each child. Our staff may also assist parents with family needs such as locating housing or medical services. Family Star students are representative of our diverse world, including diverse socioeconomic backgrounds. We strongly believe that access to high quality early childhood education should be available to all children, regardless of background or ability. A majority of the families we serve are living at the federal poverty level.
Description of Clients Served:
FamilyStar serves pregnant women, infants, toddlers and young children up until six years of age.
Northeast and Northwest Denver