La Leche League of Colorado and Wyoming

See website for locations
Business Website Address:
Business Phone Number:
(303) 779-6722
Business Genre:
Long Business Description:
Colorado and Wyoming's nonprofit organization focused on educating and helping mothers with Breastfeeding. La Leche League provides education on also breast-pumping and chest feeding. LLL holds small group meetings in both states, please visit their website to find the group closest to you.
Description of Services:
Breastfeeding education and support for all ages
Description of Clients Served:
All women interested in breastfeeding their babies
Additional Notes:
Some gorups do not list their address not the website. Please see theirs to find the most updated location of groups in your area.
How Clients are Referred:
Self-referral and through healthcare providers
Call for information
Service Categories:
Agency Name:
La Leche League of Denver