The Action Center

8755 W. 14th Avenue Lakewood, CO 80215
Business Phone Number:
(303) 237-7704
Business Genre:
Counseling/Mental Health, Emergency Services, Financial Assistance/Vouchers, Food, Housing, Parent Education/Support, Resources/Referrals, School, Shelter, Support, Teen Dads, Work, Youth Development
Long Business Description:
Access to food, clothing, household items, utility assistance, transportation assistance, medical assistance, tenant/landlord counseling, a homeless shelter, and more. Additionally, they offer a 'pathways' program (6 months)  which focuses on self-sufficiency and relationship building.
Description of Services:
Food, clothing, household items, utility assistance, transportation assistance, medical assistance, tenant/landlord counseling,homeless shelter, and seasonal programs
Description of Clients Served:
Jefferson county residents; or homeless, regardless of location.
Additional Notes:
Services vary according to budget constraints. Teens under 18 who are homeless can walk -in for help.
How Clients are Referred:
Self-referred, walk-in
Service Categories:
Financial Assistance/Vouchers,Food,Resources/Referrals,Shelter
Agency Name:
The Action Center