The Empowerment Program

1600 York Street Denver, CO 80206
Business Phone Number:
(303) 320-1989
Business Genre:
Counseling/Mental Health, Domestic Violence, Drugs and Alcohol, Financial Assistance/Vouchers, Housing, Parent Education/Support, Pregnancy/Prevention, Resources/Referrals, School, Support, Work, Youth Development
Long Business Description:
The mission of the Empowerment Program is to provide education, employment assistance, health, housing referrals, and support services for women who are in disadvantaged positions due to incarceration, poverty, homelessness, HIV/AIDS infection, and/or involvement in the criminal justice system.
Description of Services:
Education, employment assistance, health, housing referrals, and support services for qualifying women
Description of Clients Served:
Women who are in disadvantaged positions due to incarceration, poverty, homelessness, HIV/AIDS infection and/or involvement in the criminal justice system.
How Clients are Referred:
Call for information/must attend an orientation session
Call for information
Service Categories:
Agency Name:
The Empowerment Program