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Long-term transitional housing and self-sufficiency program for anyone with a family, including pregnant teenagers.  Run by Mile High Ministries, their program offers holistic support services, counseling, skill development. They also offer parenting guidance programs. By making sure when the parents leave they have the resources to be successful, they teach them money management skills, job readiness, and conflict resolution classes.…

For children and teens 3-24 who have experienced a death loss, peer-based support groups. There is no cost to families who participate in Judi's house.…

A safe home environment for teen mothers to learn to parent child properly. Teen mothers and their child are paired with foster mothers in a home setting in North East Denver. Help teen parents complete high school or GED, secure employment and prepare to live independently with their child. Also offers daycare, parenting classes, and referrals for therapy.…

Kids in Need of Dentistry (KIND) is a non-profit organization that serves children across Colorado with low-cost, high quality dental treatment. Additionally they have a mobile dental office which visits schools and an  orthodontics program for teenagers.…

KidsTek purpose is to increase the technology literacy of students at Colorado’s highest-needs schools through innovative after school, project based enrichment programs, and our in-school technical certificate programs. KidsTek provides technology curriculum for host schools with the goal of providing the tools for longterm academic and career success. Their high school programs also provide free college credits for our students to help them achieve their goal of continuing their education towards a valuable college degree.…

Colorado and Wyoming's nonprofit organization focused on educating and helping mothers with Breastfeeding. La Leche League provides education on also breast-pumping and chest feeding. LLL holds small group meetings in both states, please visit their website to find the group closest to you.…

Through education, resource networking, and positive relationship building, we form respectful, productive family partnerships that create thriving, empowered individuals who are self-reliant and who envision a hopeful future for themselves, their families, and their communities.…

Transitional housing program for single-parent families run by the Salvation Army in Colorado. This house also provides further education on sustainability and self-sufficiency.…

The Crisis Line Latina SafeHouse provides bilingual and culturally sensitive services to Latina survivors of domestic violence and their families. Further information about their phone line is available on their website in both English and Spanish.…