Programs and services to address the needs of victims of domestic abuse: 24-hour crisis line, emergency shelter, counseling, case management, information and referrals, legal advocacy, community and peer education.…
Delivering medical and mental health care for the homeless in downtown Denver.…
Stride provides families with services and a personalized plan to attain economic independence and break the cycle of poverty. Family self- sufficiency programs, transitional housing, building financial asssets…
STRIDE addresses the need for affordable and accessible medical, behavioral health, and dental care among low-income, uninsured, and underserved populations. STRIDE’s current service area encompasses Adams, Arapahoe, Douglas, Jefferson, and Park counties and the Cities of Aurora, Arvada, Englewood, Lakewood, Parker, and Wheat Ridge. Further, their services range from dental, behavioral and general medical care.…
Teen MOPS seeks to serve the emotional and spiritual needs of Teen Mothers around the world.…
The Teen Parenting Program (TPP) has been a part of SVVSD for over 20 years. The TPP is a career and technical education program that is designed to 1) teach young parents the skills necessary to successfully parent a child and 2) to provide an on-site nursery so that parents can visit and feed their young child through the school day. Any SVVSD parent can take the teen parent class that is offered at CDC. This class can be started during pregnancy or after the baby is born. To complete this program, students should take 2 semesters of the teen parenting class. Students interested in using the on-site nursery must apply and be enrolled in Olde Columbine High School. Students using the nurser…
Competent healthcare and preventative health services for uninsured, underinsured and low income families. They offer mens, women healthcare as well as a pediatric unit. To view their low cost prices for procedures for STI and Pregnancy testing please see their website. Additionally they offer screening and enrollment for Medicaid, including presumptive eligibility, and CHP+ enrollment.…
TGTHR provides residential treatment, counseling, and safe shelter to at-risk youth in the Boulder area. This is the only teenager shelter in the Boulder area, serving youth ages 12-24 only.…
Access to food, clothing, household items, utility assistance, transportation assistance, medical assistance, tenant/landlord counseling, a homeless shelter, and more. Additionally, they offer a 'pathways' program (6 months) which focuses on self-sufficiency and relationship building.…